Episode 189: Insurance Policies for Creative Small Business Owners

interview q&a Aug 26, 2021

On today's episode I chat with Carnez Williams insurance broker at Carnez Insurance KC, about the different types of insurance policies for creative small business owners and what to look for.


An independent insurance broker works with any number of insurance carriers, whether on the personal insurance side of home and auto or on the commercial side of business owner polices, professional liability, etc. An insurance broker shops your information among carriers to find the best provider for you based on rates and your coverage needs.


One frequently asked question is "If I have an LLC and a contract, do I really need insurance?" The answer is absolutely, 100%. Insurance is necessary whether we're talking contracts, LLC or whatever business you're dealing with. You want to protect three different things 1) protect your assets and property, 2) protect you from liability and 3) protect your income. If your objection is that you don't really have any assets or have much income, legal judgements in a lawsuit can stick with you for years and years which means that you have someone waiting in the wings to get the money when you make it.






Get In Touch with Our Guest

Carnez Williams, insurance broker at Carnez Insurance KC

Contact Carnez at [email protected]

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