Episode 161: You're Not "Too Beginner"

other legal solo show Apr 08, 2021


On this episode of the podcast I talk about what makes someone a beginner and who is "too beginner" for my Unf*ck Your Biz course.


This episode is brought to you by my new FREE Masterclass, "The Most Common Legal and Tax Mistake at Each Stage of Business and How to Avoid Them." This Masterclass will cover if it's time to go from a sole proprietorship to an LLC or an LLC to a S-Corp and how to properly run an S-Corp. You'll learn how to get more profitable in a snap and put your taxes on auto-pilot as well as how to manage the growth of your business without fear of IRS hate mail or lawsuits. Click here to sign up for the Masterclass.


While I was looking through the responses business owners shared with me as to why they did not join the Unf*ck Your Biz course I noticed that 25% of the responses all said the same thing. "I'm too beginner."


Whether you buy the course or not, this is pep talk to you that your business is not "too beginner." If you view yourself as a hobbyist, once you start selling the things you're creating it becomes a business because you now have tax obligation. When you refer to yourself as a beginner, a freelancer, or a hobbyist, not only is it a limiting belief, it also means you're not properly setting up your business and getting the critical education you need to understand what you need to do in your business an why. A lot of responses shared that they would prefer to hire an attorney or tax professional to do it for them. In 1:1 services like these, the service provider does not take the time to educate you on what they have done for you an if they do take time to sit with you and explain your books, taxes, legal paperwork, etc. you will then be paying an arm and a leg in hourly rates.


The IRS does not care how seriously you do or do not take your business to decide how they are going to tax you. Your clients do not care how seriously you do or do not take your business if they plan to take legal action, you need the legal layers of protection in place.

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Signup to watch the free training. The 3 Legal & Tax Mistakes Made by Creative Entrepreneurs.

You'll learn: what the three mistakes are; how to fix them; and also how to work with me to get your legal & tax shit legit.


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