352 - The WNBA/Hamby Suit and its HR Implications with Kira La Forgia (Part 2)

On today's episode of the podcast,  HR  specialist Kira La Forgia and I continue our conversation about what small businesses can take away from the WNBA/Hamby lawsuit.

To get the run-down on the Hamby suit and what we covered in Part 1, check out Episode 351.

Not Your Average Law Firm is hosting a summit! Not Your Average Summit: Foundations for a Multi-Six Figure Business. Taking place online September 10 - 12 the summit has 9 amazing speakers who will be covering the topics you need to scale your business to the next level including insurance, bookkeeping, retirement contributions and the legal and tax sides of owning a business. Get your free ticket at NotAVGSummit.com


Get in Touch with Our Guest

Kira La Forgia, Founder of Paradigm

Follow Kira on Instagram @theparadigmm

Take Paradigm's People Leader Archetype Quiz at the-paradigm.com/quiz

PS: We can’t let you go without introducing you to their new resource, 5 Day Plan To Go From Manager to Trusted Leader from our friends at Paradigm. Kira and the team at Paradigm have been an incredible resource for so many of our clients and friends, as THE go-to HR and Team Leadership resource for online businesses. Need more hands-on HR support for your team? Book a free call at the-paradigm.com/contact and make sure you tell Kira I sent you.


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