197 - Legalities Protect Your Bank Account

On today's episode of the podcast I talk about how legalities can help protect your bank account.


I always talk about these things in a vacuum, for example how an LLC helps protect your personal assets, I chat about how insurance can help defend you in the case of a lawsuit, and I've noticed these are the topics people are not always as interested in as tax topics, I think because our fear of the IRS often seems to outweigh our fear of legal repercussions. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this in my Facebook group.


Beyond contract templates and starting an LLC, why should you care? The reason is because it all comes down to our finances. Assume you have a client problem that ends up in court, aside from being anxiety producing, we could have a judgement against us. A lot of our legal protections are to give us financial security. This is where our legal layers of protection come in, including liability layers and intellectual property layers.



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