169 - Managing the Mailbox Panic

Episode #169

On this episode of the podcast I talk abut what types of mail may be headed your way in regard to business documents and what you can expect to find when opening your mailbox.


This episode is brought to you by my new FREE Masterclass, "The Most Common Legal and Tax Mistake at Each Stage of Business and How to Avoid Them." This Masterclass will cover if it's time to go from a sole proprietorship to an LLC or an LLC to a S-Corp and how to properly run an S-Corp. You'll learn how to get more profitable in a snap and put your taxes on auto-pilot as well as how to manage the growth of your business without fear of IRS hate mail or lawsuits. Click here to sign up for the Masterclass.


Do you have an increase in panic every time you open the mailbox? Fear of getting bills on top of debt or IRS hate mail that you fear will be in there, leading to procrastinating in opening the mail?


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